Unlocking the Power of Context in DOOH Advertising: How 7-Eleven® and ATM.TV Drive Success for Major Brands

The Importance of Context in DOOH Advertising: How 7-Eleven® and ATM.TV Are Changing the Game

As the founder of ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®, I’ve seen firsthand the power of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising when it’s placed in the right context. With over 8,500 U.S. 7-Eleven® stores reaching 5 billion people annually, as verified by GeoPath, our DOOH HD video advertising platform offers unparalleled reach and exposure. In this blog post, I’ll dive into the significance of context in DOOH advertising and share how notable advertisers like AT&T, Goodyear, Lotto, Amazon, Hersheys, Reeses, and Chase Bank are benefiting from our nationwide footprint in the country’s top convenience store.

The Crucial Role of Context in DOOH Advertising

When it comes to DOOH advertising, context is king. In an age where consumers are constantly bombarded with ads, it’s more important than ever to deliver relevant and engaging content that captures their attention. Here’s why context is so essential in DOOH advertising:

  • Relevance: Ads placed in the right context are more likely to resonate with your target audience, ensuring your message is both relevant and memorable.
  • Engagement: When ads are contextually relevant, they’re more likely to engage and captivate your audience, ultimately resulting in a higher likelihood of conversion.
  • Brand Perception: A well-placed ad that seamlessly fits into its environment can enhance a brand’s image and reputation, while poorly placed ads can have the opposite effect.

How 7-Eleven® and ATM.TV Are Maximizing Context for Advertisers

By partnering with 7-Eleven®, ATM.TV is providing advertisers with a unique opportunity to reach a massive audience in a highly relevant context. Here’s how we’re leveraging the power of context within our DOOH advertising platform:

  • Strategic Location: Our high-definition video screens are strategically placed near ATMs in 7-Eleven® stores, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement from customers making transactions or browsing the store.
  • Geo-Targeting: ATM.TV allows advertisers to target their ads to specific locations, ensuring their message reaches the right audience at the right time.
  • Data-Driven Insights: We utilize data from GeoPath to optimize our ad placements and analyze the effectiveness of each campaign, ensuring that our advertisers get the best possible results.

Notable Advertisers Reaping the Benefits of Contextual DOOH Advertising

Over 150 notable advertisers, including AT&T, Goodyear, Lotto, Amazon, Hersheys, Reeses, and Chase Bank, have taken advantage of the nationwide reach and exposure offered by ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®. By placing their ads in contextually relevant environments, these brands are enjoying increased engagement, improved brand perception, and a higher likelihood of conversion.

Elevate Your DOOH Advertising Strategy with ATM.TV

Are you ready to harness the power of context in your DOOH advertising campaigns? Partner with ATM.TV and gain access to our unparalleled reach and exposure in over 8,500 U.S. 7-Eleven® stores. Visit http://atm.tv to learn more about our advertising opportunities and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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