Maximize Your Social Media Impact: Harness the Power of DOOH Advertising at 7-Eleven® Stores

How to Use DOOH Advertising to Promote Your Social Media Channels: A Power Move Fueled by 7-Eleven®

As the founder of ATM.TV, I’ve witnessed firsthand how digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. It’s a platform that has grown exponentially in recent years, and its potential is still untapped. With our partnership with 7-Eleven®, we have created a DOOH HD video advertising network in over 8,500 U.S. stores, reaching an incredible 5 billion people annually as verified by GeoPath.

And guess what? You can also leverage DOOH advertising to promote your social media channels. In this post, I’ll show you how to do just that, while also highlighting notable advertisers like AT&T, Goodyear, Lotto, Amazon, Hersheys, Reeses, and Chase Bank, who have all benefited from the nationwide footprint of 7-Eleven’s® top convenience stores.

The Perfect Marriage: DOOH Advertising and Social Media

To elevate your brand presence, you need to combine the power of DOOH advertising with the reach of social media. Here’s how:

1. Showcase User-Generated Content

  • Encourage customers to create and share content related to your brand on social media.
  • Feature the best user-generated content on your DOOH ads.
  • By doing so, you create a sense of community and connection with your audience.

2. Drive Social Media Contests

  • Run contests on your social media channels.
  • Use your DOOH ads to promote these contests, increasing participation and engagement.
  • Remember, people love the chance to win something, and the more enticing the prize, the higher the engagement.

3. Highlight Social Proof

  • Showcase positive customer reviews, testimonials, and social media shoutouts on your DOOH ads.
  • This will build trust and credibility with potential customers, encouraging them to follow you on social media and ultimately convert.

4. Promote Exclusive Offers

  • Offer exclusive deals, discounts, or promotions only available to your social media followers.
  • Advertise these offers on your DOOH ads, driving traffic to your social media channels and increasing your follower count.

5. Cross-Promote Your Social Media Platforms

  • Use your DOOH ads to highlight your different social media platforms.
  • Encourage customers to follow you across all channels, increasing your reach and engagement.

Success Stories: Brands Winning with DOOH Advertising

Don’t just take my word for it. Many notable advertisers have already reaped the benefits of DOOH advertising through our network of 7-Eleven® stores:

  • AT&T leveraged DOOH ads to increase brand awareness and promote their latest products and services.
  • Goodyear utilized DOOH advertising to showcase their tire deals and promotions, driving sales and increasing their social media following.
  • Lotto used DOOH ads to publicize their jackpot amounts, catching the attention of potential players and driving ticket sales.
  • Amazon, Hersheys, Reeses, and Chase Bank, among many others, have also found success with DOOH advertising.

Ready to Boost Your Social Media Presence with DOOH Advertising?

It’s time to harness the power of DOOH advertising to promote your social media channels and elevate your brand. To learn more about advertising opportunities with ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®, visit and unlock the potential of the leading DOOH HD video advertising provider in the country’s top convenience store.

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