“Maximizing ROI with DOOH Advertising at 7-Eleven® Stores – Tips from Daniel Aharonoff, Founder of ATM.TV”

Maximizing ROI with DOOH Advertising

As the founder of ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®, I’m proud to be part of a provider of Digital-Out-Of-Home (DOOH) High Definition video advertising that allows brands to target HD screens placed above ATM units at more than 8,500 participating 7-Eleven® stores in the U.S.A.

At ATM.TV, we understand the importance of maximizing your return on investment (ROI) when it comes to advertising. That’s why we provide our clients with the opportunity to reach over 5 billion people per year that frequent this number 1 convenience store on the planet.

So, how can you ensure that your DOOH advertising campaign is giving you maximum ROI? Here are some of my top tips:

Focus on Your Audience

The key to a successful DOOH advertising campaign is to focus on your audience and make sure you are targeting the right people. At ATM.TV, we provide our clients with detailed analytics about their target audience so they can tailor their campaigns for maximum effectiveness. By understanding who you are trying to reach and where, you can create an ad campaign that will resonate with your target audience and help drive better ROI.

Utilize Creative Content

Creative content is essential for a successful DOOH advertising campaign. Your ad should be eye-catching and engaging while also conveying the message you want to get across. Utilizing creative content that stands out from the crowd is key for capturing attention and driving conversions. At ATM.TV, we have a team of creative experts who can help you create compelling content that resonates with your audience and helps drive better ROI for your campaigns.

Leverage Multiple Channels

By leveraging multiple channels, you can maximize your reach and ensure that more people see your ads. For example, if you are running a DOOH advertising campaign in 7-Eleven® stores, consider supplementing it with other channels such as social media or web ads as well. This will help you extend your reach and get more eyes on your ads.

At ATM.TV, we understand the importance of maximizing ROI when it comes to DOOH advertising campaigns and we are here to help you achieve success. If you want to learn more about how we can help you maximize ROI with your DOOH advertising campaigns, visit http://atm.tv to evaluate if you can be approved to advertise with us since 7-Eleven has very high approval standards!

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