“Daniel Aharonoff Explores Top Trends in DOOH Advertising at 7-Eleven® Stores”

Top Trends in DOOH Advertising at 7-Eleven® Stores

As the Founder of ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®, I’ve seen first-hand how the Digital-Out-Of-Home (DOOH) High Definition video advertising market has changed and evolved over the years. Here, I want to explore some of the top trends in DOOH advertising at 7-Eleven® stores and what they mean for advertisers.

Increasing Advertiser Interest in DOOH

One of the biggest trends in DOOH advertising is the increasing interest from advertisers. Over 150 different brands have already taken advantage of our services, including AT&T, Lotto, Chase Bank, Live Nation, Allstate Insurance, MoneyGram and many more. With over 8,500 participating 7-Eleven® stores across the U.S.A., advertisers are able to reach over 5 billion people per year.

Targeting Specific Audiences

As technology advances, advertisers are increasingly looking for ways to target specific audiences more precisely. We at ATM.TV provide a range of audience targeting options for advertisers to select from, allowing them to fine-tune their campaigns to reach specific demographics.

Automated Ads

Thanks to advances in automation and artificial intelligence (AI), it’s now possible for advertisers to create highly targeted ads that can be automatically optimized in real time. This allows them to quickly and easily adjust their campaigns in response to changing consumer preferences and behaviors.

Measuring Success

Another trend that’s growing in popularity is the use of metrics and analytics tools to measure success. We offer a range of reporting and analytics tools that help advertisers track their campaigns’ performance and make data-driven decisions about their ad strategies.

Contact Us

If you’d like to take advantage of our services and find out if you can be approved as an advertiser with us here at ATM.TV at 7-Eleven®, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by visiting http://atm.tv.

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