“Maximizing Your Digital-Out-Of-Home (DOOH) Advertising Budget at 7-Eleven® Stores with Daniel Aharonoff”

Maximizing Your DOOH Advertising Budget at 7-Eleven® Stores

As the founder of ATM.TV, I understand the value of a strong DOOH advertising campaign. With over 8,500 participating 7-Eleven® stores and 5 billion people per year visiting them, it is clear that the reach and potential of a DOOH advertising campaign at 7-Eleven® stores is unparalleled.

When it comes to maximizing your budget for DOOH advertising at 7-Eleven®, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. Here are just a few of my suggestions:

Utilize Targeting

With our cutting-edge targeting capabilities, you can ensure that your ads are seen by your most desired target audience. Using geographical, demographic, and interest data, you can craft a powerful message that resonates with the right people.

Take Advantage of Timing

7-Eleven® stores receive high foot traffic throughout the day, so you can plan your campaign to maximize this potential. Knowing when people are most likely to be stopping into the store allows you to tailor your message to reach them when they are most receptive to it.

Leverage Our Analytics Platform

At ATM.TV, we have an analytics platform that can help you track the success of your campaign in real-time. This helps you gain insights on how well your messages are resonating with viewers and make adjustments as needed for maximum impact.

Contact Us for Approval

7-Eleven® has very high approval standards for advertising on their screens. If you’re interested in advertising with us, please contact us directly to evaluate if you can be approved by visiting http://atm.tv. We look forward to helping you maximize your DOOH advertising budget at 7-Eleven® stores!

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